The Many Beacon

Ultrashort Raman Solitons in Externally Driven Resonators

The Many Beacon’s first flagship project will explore and harness a recently discovered ultrashort pulse generation scheme. It’s an exciting development amid an increasing drive for precision spectroscopy and laser micromachining. DWC researchers have produced “Raman solitons” with durations well below 100 femtoseconds. These are the shortest-ever pulses generated in resonators (active or passive) made from a single commercially available optical fibre and could potentially be transferred into a chip-scale format.


Click on a person for additional information

Professor Miro Erkintalo

Professor Miro Erkintalo

Principal Investigator

Professor Peter Xu

Professor Peter Xu

Associate Investigator

Associate Professor Stuart Murdoch

Associate Professor Stuart Murdoch

The One Beacon Co-leader

Dr Claude Aguergaray

Dr Claude Aguergaray

The All Beacon Co-leader

Professor Neil Broderick

Professor Neil Broderick

Principal Investigator

Professor Stéphane Coen

Professor Stéphane Coen

Principal Investigator