This project will encompass (i) quantum electrical metrology, to aid the realisation of new standards for the electrical units of voltage, current, and resistance, and (ii) optomechanical thermometers that directly relate the measured oscillations of a mechanical nanoresonator to the thermal energy of its environment. The project will be led from from Measurement Standards Laboratory (MSL) with assistance from researchers at the University of Otago (UoO) and Victoria University of Wellington. The electrical metrology research will revolve around theoretical investigations of novel two-dimensional materials in order to assess their potential applications in metrology. The thermometry research will experimentally realise an optomechanical thermometer. Fabrication of this device will be carried out in collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST, USA), with testing and characterisation to be done at MSL and UoO.
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Associate Investigator
QTA Science Lead
The Many Beacon Co-leader
Associate Investigator