The One Beacon

Passive Resonant Ring Laser Gyros, Active Ring Laser Hyros and Geophysical and Geodetic Sensing

Using ring laster gyroscopes, commonly used in navigation systems of aircraft and spacecraft, that use the interference of light to sense rotation, this project seeks to (i) implement both active and passive interferometric operation of a unique existing 1-m\textsuperscript{2} monolithic ring laser gyroscope constructed entirely from ultra-low expansion ceramic, which offers unparalleled stability, and (ii) establish a permanent seismic monitoring and evaluation station using a new and much larger 18-m\textsuperscript{2} active ring laser gyroscope. The project will be led out of the University of Canterbury with analysis of the collected seismic data to be undertaken at the University of Auckland.


Click on a person for additional information

Professor Jon-Paul Wells

Professor Jon-Paul Wells

Principal Investigator

Dr Laura Cobus

Dr Laura Cobus

Associate Investigator