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Dodd-Walls Centre investigator Frédérique Vanholsbeeck awarded Diversity & Inclusion Advocacy Recognition award from the Australian Optical Society

Dodd-Walls Centre investigator Frédérique Vanholsbeeck awarded Diversity & Inclusion Advocacy Recognition award from the Australian Optical Society
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Dodd-Walls Centre principal investigator Dr Frédérique Vanholsbeeck has been recognized by the Australian Optical Society (AOS). Dr Vanholsbeeckhas been awarded the OSA Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy Recognition award based on her profound influence on the practices of her university and more generally in New Zealand science, and through her work on the AOS Council. She has been a vocal promoter of gender parity in selecting invited conference speakers, based on her belief that this is central to giving these conferences, and scientific fields they represent, a positive image to junior female students. Amongst other things, as AOS Councillor she promoted a policy that AOS only sponsors events that have appropriate gender and diversity policies, and she has argued to ensure that each AOS prize has at least one female applicant.

Dr Vanholsbeeck is a senior lecturer at The University of Auckland and has been a member of the Dodd-Walls Centre since 2015.

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